No Such Thing As A Group In this post I will discuss in relation to the work of Wilfred Bion the proposition that just as Winnicott says: “There’s no such thing as a baby”, there is no such thing as a group. I will begin by exploring what Winnicott had in mind, in order to provide […]
Freud, Terrorism and Rhetoric: A Preliminary Discussion
The suggestion that “the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and ensuing attacks around the world including Bali, Madrid, Mumbai and London show just how right Freud was about our malaise” is shown to exist within a discourse that is terrorist itself.
Conducting Groups
I was having a conversation with a colleague today and they were asking me about the group I conduct. Their questions helped me to articulate some thoughts. I am unusual here in New Zealand in that I choose to conduct psychotherapy groups on my own rather than with a co-facilitator. I have had experience of […]