The following article is from American Psychologist, Vol. 65. No.2, and is a review of a paper by Jonathan K. Shedler “The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy,”. Jonathan K. Shedler PhD, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Brings Lasting Benefits through Self-Knowledge WASHINGTON—Psychodynamic psychotherapy is effective for a wide range of mental health […]
Afterwardsness In A Group
I was reminded this evening (in one of the psychotherapy groups I conduct) how helpful I find Freud’s concept “Nachträglichkeit”. This is translated in the English Standard Edition as ‘Deferred Action” but Laplanche more helpfully translates it as “apres-coup” or “afterwardsness”.
The Nature of Affect – Freud and Damasio
Freud’s views on the nature of affect and the implications of Damasio’s view of the body/brain relation for this aspect of psychoanalysis.
Recently the thought occurred to me that we have antidepressants back-to-front, as it were. The listed side-effects of these drugs (mostly SSRI’s) is really the main action, and the advertised effect is the real side effect. In other words antidepressants reduce anxiety and depression as a side effect of reducing libido – in the more […]
Doubt Is Essential
The vital relationship between faith and doubt.